Good dental hygiene is just as important for pets as it is for humans. Imagine how your mouth would feel if you did not have any professional dental cleanings or did not brush your teeth every day. Yet 78% of dogs and 68% of cats over the age of three have some form of dental disease. In fact, dental disease is one of the most common diseases pets may have during their lifetime.

Regular, pro-active dental care is a vital step in keeping your dog or cat healthy and comfortable. Professional teeth cleanings by us plus at home brushing are as important for your pet as it is for humans.

Healing with Heart Veterinary Care, has state-of-the art equipment to care for your pet’s dental needs. Digital dental radiography allows us to examine the tooth and bone under the gum line. Ultrasonic dental scalers, and high and low speed hand pieces for drilling, cutting and polishing allow us to clean and polish your pet’s teeth. This removes the plaque that can lead to gingivitis and, if left unchecked, infection around the root of the tooth. Plaque, which is a buildup of bacteria, will develop into periodontitis. Periodontitis are pockets of severe and painful infections within the mouth around the teeth and gumline. Not treated, it can lead tooth decay and bone loss.

We recommend regular oral examinations and dental cleanings, under general anesthesia, for all adult dogs and cats. During your pet’s wellness exam, we will visually examine your pet’s teeth and make appropriate dental health recommendations to you.

Signs of Oral and Dental Disease in Your Pet:

A good start to good dental care for your pet is for pet owners to recognize the signs of oral and dental disease in your pet:

  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Loose or weak teeth
  • Discoloration and/or buildup of tartar and plaque on teeth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Sensitive to touch around the mouth area
  • Red, inflamed, irritated gums
  • Difficulty playing with chew toys

Call us immediately to schedule a dental exam if your pet or cat shows any of the above symptoms!

Brushing your Pet’s Teeth at Home:

Brushing your pet’s teeth once a day at home to prevent plaque and tartar buildup is important. At-home cleaning should only take a few minutes each day. We will be happy to teach you how to brush your pet’s teeth at home. Just give us a call or ask us during your pet’s next wellness exam.

For more information about pet dental care, you may wish to visit:

  • Veterinary Oral Health Council—Extensive information on oral health care for pets.
  • C.E.T. Home Dental Care—Extensive lines of at-home dental care products for your pet.